
5 Seconds of Jay Leno Kills a Funny 2 Minute Video!
5 Seconds of Jay Leno Kills a Funny 2 Minute Video!
5 Seconds of Jay Leno Kills a Funny 2 Minute Video!
Jay Leno is corny. Not Funny. Corny. He's not been funny in a loooooong time. His five second cameo in this commercial for the new Honda Acura, starring Jerry Seinfeld, in my opinion, ruins what would've been a funny ad. Watch the commercial and see if you agree.
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
I don't know if it will sell any Volkswagons or not, but this commercial will definitely be one of the bigger hits of Super Bowl Sunday. Ever laid awake in bed wondering what a random pack of dogs singing the Imperial March Song from Star Wars would sound like? you can die without feeling like the good lord jipped ya. How it's done? I have no clue. Quit asking questions. Just enjoy the commercial.
Happy Hotdog Man…Pure Genius
Happy Hotdog Man…Pure Genius
Happy Hotdog Man…Pure Genius
Having three kids, Five and younger, I know that sometimes you have to make food "fun", if you want it be eaten. But this seems like a bit of a stretch. And it also seems there would be nefarious uses for this "technology". Anybody remember Lorena Bobbit?